Presence. Being present. Being “in the moment.” I am sure that you have heard these buzzwords in the media, among friends or online. This practice is more than meditation, yoga class, or a fancy vacation retreat. Let’s delve into what it really means to live in the present moment.
What Is Being Present?
Being present means that we are aware and, paying attention to what is happening at this very moment. We are not distracted by the technology, priorities, people, the past, or the future. Presence is the literal definition of being “in the moment.”
Staying in the present takes practice. Being present in the moment you are living in right now can increase your health and well-being.
Some Benefits Of Being Present
Having a richer life experience by turning off “autopilot.”
Less stress and anxiety
Improved focus and attention
Increased self-awareness
Being Mindful As A Way To Be Present
According to the University Of California At Berkeley, “Mindfulness means maintaining a moment-by-moment awareness of our thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment, through a gentle, nurturing lens. Mindfulness also involves acceptance, meaning that we pay attention to our thoughts and feelings without judging them—without believing, for instance, that there’s a “right” or “wrong” way to think or feel in a given moment. When we practice mindfulness, our thoughts tune into what we’re sensing in the present moment rather than rehashing the past or imagining the future.”
Set A Regular Practice
Forming the simple habit of being mindful, focusing on the present, and meditating for just two minutes a day can take you miles into changing your life. After you get up, sit comfortably, and focus on your breath.
When your mind wanders, note it, and shift your thoughts back to your breathing. If you enjoy this practice gradually increase the time week by week. The benefit of this regular practice is that you are now forming habits that teach you to be in the present moment. You learn to do this at any time you choose on demand.
Start The Day With An Intention
Before you start an activity in your day pause yourself. In your mind, or even in writing set an intention of focus for the activity. This could be work, a family dinner, something fun, or a task you have to do.
This intention sets the tone for the activity. It can be something thoughtful, something light, or something related to how you want to perform the activity. The point is to draw your mind into the task in the present right now.
Set Time For Daily Reflection
During a part of your day take a minute to reflect on how your day has gone. How are you doing with being present? What have you found challenging? What resistance have you felt internally to the practice of being present? Is it hard? Does it take too much time? You can also use this time to check in with our emotional state and self-care practices in a given day. Ask yourself regularly throughout the day, what do I feel? How am I doing? Reflection is also a component of self-awareness.
These are a few ways to live in the present moment. It is a worthy investment to add in the practice of presence in your life. Try out many ways to be present in life. Presence gives new meaning to your daily activities. You will live a rich vivid and full life.
Make a plan today to add practices to live in the present moment into your life. Start today.